I Set Out and Praised Muhammad ﷺ – Sh Dhākir ʿAwda al-Ḥanafī

شَددْتُ رِحالي وامتَدَحْتُ مُحَمَّدًا

By Shaykh Dhākir ‘Awda al-Ḥanafī

شَددْتُ رِحالِي وامتدحْتُ مُحَمَّدًا
وما كَانَتِ المُدّاحُ قَطُّ تَخيبُ

وكلّ مديحِ الخلقِ عنهُ لَقاصرٌ
ولَـٰكِنَّ رُوحي بِالمَديحِ تَطيبُ

بِرُوحِي جَمالٌ يَسْجدُ البَدرُ دُونَه
وشُمُّ جبالٍ لو تَراهُ تَذوبُ

وَكُلُّ كَمالٍ فِي الوَرَى عَنهُ صادرٌ
وكلّ المَعالِي عَن عُلاهُ صَبِيبُ

حَبِيبِي رَسُولَ اللّٰهِ يا غايةَ المُنَى
ويا سيِّدًا منهُ النوَالُ رحيبُ

مَتَى تَسمَحُ اﻷيامُ لَثْمًا لِتُربِكمْ
فَيَحْيا فُؤادِي والجراحُ تَطيبُ

فَجُودُوا لَهُ مِن لَحْظِ عَينٍ بِنَظْرةٍ
وقُولُوا لَهُ: إِنَّ الوِصالَ قَريبُ

نَعَمْ، هوَ مُذنِبٌ، نَعَمْ، هوَ غافِلٌ
وَلَـٰكنْ، مَتَى مَرَّ العَقيقَ يَذُوبُ

عَسَى أَنْ تَجُودُوا في المَنامِ بِزَورَةٍ
فَقَدْ طالَ بُعدِي والفُؤادُ يَلُوبُ

قَدَ اضْوَتْ سِقامُ الرُوحِ مِنِّي عَزائِمِي
وَأَنتَ لِهـٰذي المُسقِماتِ طَبِيبُ

عَلَيكَ صَلاةُ اللّٰهِ ثُمَّ سَلامُهُ
صَلاةً بِها عَنا الكُرُوبُ تَغِيبُ

I set out and praised Muhammad (ﷺ),
Never will those who praise him be denied.

All praise from creation is deficient,
However, in his praise my soul delights.

My soul be sacrificed for beauty to which the full moon prostrates,
And were lofty mountains to see it, they would crumble.

From him every perfection in creation does emanate,
And from his nobility, every noble trait.

O’ my beloved! O’ Messenger of Allah! O’ pinnacle of every desire,
O’ master from whom favours are unrestricted!

When will time allow me to kiss your soil?
So my heart will be brought to life and my wounds heal.

Be generous to him – comfort him with your glance,
And inform him that the time of union is near.

Yes, I am sinful! Yes, I am heedless!
But whenever I pass by the Aqīq valley, my heart melts.

Hoping for you to comfort me with a visit in my sleep,
My distance has become long and my heart wanders in thirst.

The sickness of my soul has rendered my strength weak,
But you are the doctor to cure these ills.

May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you,
Blessings by which distresses disappear.

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